For SMEs


A business is almost always born out of passion. Without the support of planning and strategy, your passion will never attain the desired altitude of success and growth.

SIDEIO offers the collective expertise of an accomplished team of advisors, who will help you create practical and result oriented solution frameworks to convert your passion into actionable goals .

Our business framework design integrates human resource and technology to work towards a common outcome.

The Client Issue - Finance Management

A premier hospital in Kerala was facing a problem of an extremely cumbersome manual system of processing Quote to cash that was slowing down the entire hospital operations.

  • Finance controller did not have full visibility over the processes of the team. Most updates were reactive in nature
  • Due to manual processing many of the payments were not visible until the vendor called for updates
  • Lack of transparency in payments impacted the overall cashflow of the organization
  • No provision for monthly forecast of finance requirements for supplies
  • Finance team was limited to payment process and was unable to focus on the financial health of the organization
  • Limited analytics-based finance management

The SIDEIO Solution

  • Did an "As is" process analysis and recommended process framework and technology solution to automate the process
  • The finance management to detach all sister concerns into separate BUs with proper budgeting and expense management
  • Entire Quote to Cash process to be brought under a workflow management tool to enable controls and visibility of financials
  • Vendor management to be consolidated based on category of the products
  • Products to be sourced from OEM and not local distributers for short term cost benefits

Potential benefits and savings

  • Entire Quote to Cash process automation resulted in efficient controls in the cashflow
  • Improved data analytics capability
  • Enhanced finance control with workflow Reduced cost in operations

  • Sideio Impetus Pvt. Ltd.
    A12 Mathewsons tower, III Level, Mathewsons Trade Centre, Near JLN Stadium Metro Station,
    Kaloor, Cochin-602017
  • Trivandrum – CKRA 22, Kurumkulam Road, Mannnathala Trivandrun